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As my phone stopped ringing

The weeks before the tournament

As they told me their teams were full

I knew what they really meant.

As my legs slowed down

As my bat lost it’s pop

As I began to hit the cutoff man

On the first hop

As I thought about softball

A game I love to play

I made a fine decision

On that clear thinking day

Carefully and purposefully

I picked up the phone

And slowly but surely

Built a team of my own.

It took several years

To put the pieces all in place

But the Softball Gods rewarded me

A team with talent and with grace

So here I am in my 60's

With a dream come true

I have softball security

With seasons to look forward to.

My phone even rings again

Nice guys call to say

If you ever need a guy

I would sure like to play.

The lesson softball taught me

Came through loud and clear

If your phone stop ringing

Tell yourself, "There are no victims here."

Never let your passions

Leave you behind

Some dreams come to you

Some you have to find.

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