We will be playing "c" league in 2012. At this point it appears there will be no "B" league. it appears most everyone will be back on the team. We will ordering new jerseys this year. I sent a group text to request sizes and numbers. The Bubbas will be held in late March or April.
League play will begin the week of April 23. The MSA tourney will be the weekend of April 28/29 The C'mon Blue tourney will be May 5/6. I will be attending the State ASA Meeting in Butte on February 4/5. sites of the State Tournaments will be determined at this meeting. We hope to be the host site for several State Tournaments.
2011 Good News/Bad News - Saturday, December 24, 2011
Good News...Snookie Stokes is not moving to Havre. Yes! James turned down a lucrative job offer to move to the Hi-line. You never want to lose the guy on your team who has the most nicknames, even if most of them have to do with passing gas in a crowded dugout.
Bad News: Brock Lesnar got whupped bad last night on UFC and James took it hard. Ever since Butterbean retired from boxing, James has not had a hero to identify with. Then Brock the farm-boy Lesnar, (who James claims was born in Shelby MT) entered to UFC world and James had a new hero. Heroes come and go. James is now talking about his strong bonds with Fuchsie, the singing CPA and Bonesy Fox, the slip of bacon that James slept with at the State Tournament in Bozeman...and uhm..that could be bad news for Misters' Fox and Fuchs.
Bad News: Tracy's shoulder finally fell completely off and he was forced to go see a surgeon to have it put back on.
Good News: Now we will have Robo-Cop at shortstop.The shoulder and arm have been completely reattached. Tracy is drinking Belt Beer and eating Belt deer left-handed, but just for the time being.