Pre-Season Chatter, Hey Batterbatter
There are a number of changes and new rules awaiting us in the Senior League. They include, a strike mat at home plate. *The strike mat...
Say it Ain't True Blue
Hello there Blue Good day to you We sure respect The job you do. We’re all here To enjoy the sun Play some softball And have some fun...
Team Geritol Turns 40
We had no league team in 2014 and we missed it dearly. It came back to haunt us as the season wore on. Our tournament performance...
Spokane Senior Softball Tournament
Please check out this wonderful website This will be a great tournament. Spokane is promoting our...
Here is a listing of 2014 tournament dates for Team Geritol: C'mon Blue;....................... May 3/4 Rhino Rumble:......................
2014 Softball Pre-Season Info.
Parks and Rec, along with Missoula Softball Association, are in the process of making arrangements to have new infield dirt placed on all...
Hey!! We Won a Tournament
Well Praise The Lord!! Merci beacoup to the Softball Gods!! Team Geritol won the Grateful Red Tournament on June 8/9. Richard Nixon was...
MSA First Tourney of 2013
We finished in third place with a 5-2 record. Much fun, many sore muscles. More home runs than I have seen in awhile. The ball was...
Tournament Dates for us to Consider
April 27/28.....................MSA May 4/5.........................C'mon Blue June8/9.(?)....................Reds June...
2013 Mens D
1. Lithia/Paul Wilson Painting.........Paul Wilson 2. Elbow Room.............................Tony Davis 3. Team...